Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fertility Update

My cycle evaluation is complete. Well, actually, I was called on day 21 and told that they have the information they need and to schedule an apt with the Doctor. I figured it was not ovulating if they knew on 21 but not 14. Plus, that was what I was expecting. 

The solution is to take Clomid, which was expected. What I did not expect was taking this whole conceiving thing by the horns and controlling EVERYTHING. But before any of that, they need to make sure my thyroid levels are stable and appropriate. Apparently thyroid hormone is vital during pregnancy, I never knew. So, the plan!

8/31- Come in for bloodwork for thyroid levels. If they like what they find, start day 1, if not, adjust meds and come back in 3 weeks once they are stable.
Day 1 (hopefully 8/31)- After confirming I am not pregnant, start a medicine that makes me start my period. This way we KNOW it is day 1 for sure.
Day 5-9- Take Clomid daily. This basically elevates my estrogen level so eggs develop more than usual (and possibly makes more than 1 develop, there is a chance of multiples)
Day 10- Bloodwork and ultrasound to look at developing folicle(s).
Day 11- Bloodwork
Day 12- Bloodwork and ultrasound; Folicles should be developed properly by now and need to be released. That night, injection of Ovidrel, which forces the folicle(s) to release their egg(s). 
Day 13- TI (Timed intercourse) starts. 
Day 14- TI
Day 15- TI
Day 16- Injection of progesterone, which helps my body get ready to support a pregnancy.
Day 28- Pregnancy Test

I was expecting the Clomid, but not the TOTAL control of my hormone system by Ovidrel and Progestorone as well. Might as well though, chances are a lot better this way. No matter what step(s) are failing, we have it covered. Chance of multiples goes from 1-2% up to 8-12% with Clomid. Which I like, but the doctors seem not to.

On another note, I have no idea what this blog has/will become. I dont tend to post knitting things on it like was the original plan. Maybe it will become a child development blog, and since they are no children, its just my ramblings of infertility. We will see.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Hunger and thyroid

A few days ago was my second round of fertility tests. They determined that my thyroid levels are low and started me on a replacement drug. Apparently that can cause infertility. All I have noticed so far (as of last night) is that it now feels as if I am wearing a turtleneck sweater all the time (pressure on my throat) which is really bugging me. I am not sure if that is normal, but it is the weekend still so I cant call and ask.

When reading the side effects of the medicine, it said increased appetite and weight loss. Kind of odd... Then I woke up in the middle of the night (aka now) STARVING! I ate half a jar of peanuts and some pretzels while preparing muffins and sausage to eat. They are cooking now and I am so hungry I am literally shaking. It's not as if I don't eat!? I am chalking it up to the new meds, because this is way abnormal. I am as hungry as when I was weaning off straterra. It is not fun to have a desire to eat THE WORLD. I am posting to get my mind off of it for 15 minutes... not working.

Other news. George applied for a job and is in the process of applying for another up here in Boston. I am now seriously considering finding a school to take Philosophy at (as a step up from wanting to do it...) It is just a bunch of headaches to figure out all the logistics of it. I will get to it before classes start, and I know that is soon... 

I have been knitting a lot lately. I decided to make a shawl for the Slytherin KAL that is kinda lacy and it is ADDICTIVE. I dont know if I will even wear the thing, but lace shawls are fun! 



Update: I found a school and registered myself. I also registered for my teaching exams.